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    1 Author(s):  RAMANDEEP KAUR

Vol -  5, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 208 - 216  (2014 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Abstract Universal declaration of human rights adopted by general assembly recognizes the inherent dignity and equal human rights and fundamental freedom to all without any kind of discrimination such as caste, colour, race sex, religion, political, social, economic, birth or other status. Under human rights law the violation of human rights is a big abuse of human rights. Ensuring accountability for human rights violation is a core obligation of states. This principle has been continuously challenged in the case of women’s human rights. Some people justify violation of women’s human rights by placing precedence on cultural and traditional values. Cultural values rooted in unequal power relations between women and men become justification for the systematic denial of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. Global culture discriminates against women and denies them equal rights with men. Every year around the global an increasing number of women are reported killed in the name of “honour”.

1. A report on “The Human Rights of Women’’ by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UN. www.unfpa.org
2. A Report on “Culture of Discrimination: A Fact Sheet on Honour Killings’’, Women’s Human Rights Programme by Amnesty International, USA. www.amnestyusa.org/women
3. Deol, Satnam Singh, “Honour Killing in India: A Study of The Punjab State”, International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.3 (6), pp 7-16, June 2014.
4. “Honour Killing – Issue Sheet’’ by Stop Violence Against Women Campaign, Amnesty International, Canada. www.amnsty.calstoptheviolence
5. Nammi, Diana (1 July, 2014), “Honour- Based Violence: What We Know And How to Protect Our Young People?’’, Young People Conference, Iranian and Khurdish Women’s Rights Organization (IKWRO), UK.
6. Deol, opp.cit
7. Kaur Upinderjit( 2012), “ Role And Status of Women in Sikhism’’, Gateway to Sikhism. www.allaboutsikhs.com
8. Muhammad, Amin A. (June 2010), “Preliminary Examination of So-Called “Honour Killings” in Canada’’, Family, Children and Youth Section, Department of Justice Canada, Canada.
9. General Assembly Report on Global Violence Against Women in the Name of Honour, Human Rights Council, Twenty Fifth Session, Agenda Item 8, Follow up and Implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, 17 Febuary, 2014, United Nations. 
10. Honour Based Violence: The Fact Sheet by Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation (SCCF), UK
11. The Prevention of Crimes in The Name of Honour and Tradition Bill, A Bill Against Honour Killings – A NCW Proposal, National Legal Research Desk, August 2010, India.
12. Basu, Nupur, “Honour Killings: India’s Crying Shame’’, 28 November 2013, AlJazeera, USA.
13. Muhammad, Amin A., opp.cit
14. Ishaq, Saima, “Killing in The Name Of Honour’’, The South Asian Community in the Canadian Context, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 2010
15. Kaur Upinderjit, opp cit
16. Deol,opp.cit
17. The Prevention of Crimes in the Name of Honour and Tradition Bill, opp.cit
18. Khan, Shafiq –Ur- Rehman, “Status of Women in Punjab- Punjab Scenario”,     2009. www.shafiqrkhan.net
19. Gill, Aisha, “Enough is Enough: Putting an End to Honour Based Violence Against Women and Girls”, 4 June 2014, New Statesman.
20. Deol, opp.cit
21. “Sikhism and Honour Killing’’ an Article by Sikh Missionary Society, 2011, U.K. www.sikhmissionarysociety.org
22. Ishaq, Saima, opp. Cit
23. Muhammad, Amin A., opp.cit
24. Victims and Witnesses of Crime, Honour Based Violence (HBV), Hertfordshire Constabulary.
25. Ishaq, Saima, opp. Cit
26. Deol,opp.cit
27. Separate Law Against Honour Killings Sought, Nov 15, 2013, Times of India.
28. Grewal, Puneet Kaur, “ Honour Killing and Law in India’’, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.5, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2012, pp 28-31
29. Sources of International Law Related to Honour Crimes and Killings, Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence Against Women and Girls, United Nations. www.endvawnow.org

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