( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    2 Author(s):  DR. R. RAGHADEVI,2. DR. R. MALINI

Vol -  11, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 97 - 102  (2020 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Being sociable means nothing but developing a good relationship with others and interacting positively and building a meaningful connection with them. Developing such sociability traits provides a lot of positive energy to life and career. However, some people are not at all ready to mingle with others due to their reserved nature, and they hesitate to develop relationships with other people. Educational institutions trained its kids from their KGs itself to socialize with others. Hence, an attempt has been made to find out whether the people with high academic profiles have sociability or not with the objective of testing the sociability traits of the top scorers. The primary data were obtained from 305 top scorers by adopting multistage stratified random sampling technique, and one way ANOVA was used for the analysis. The analysis reveals that the majority of the top scorers are sociable. However, as far as the positive effect of sociability traits was concerned this percentage is not enough to build up a healthy future generation.

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